Thursday, March 21, 2024



Do you see that need and urgency to manage and control the extent of and the damaging effects of #Indoor #Air #Pollution
What could one do to minimise the negative impact of #IndoorAirPollution within bedrooms, home and workplace? 

Air borne pollutes is no longer dust alone. It is all about 
  • molds,  
  • dust mites, 
  • household aerosol products, 
  • fumes off home furnishings, 
  • radon, 
  • asbestos, 
  • lead, 
  • tobacco smoke, 
  • carbon monoxide, 
  • formaldehyde, 
  • gas off stoves and 
  • the list goes on.
Modern building concepts have added insult to injury and "totally reduced" the opportunity for air exchange, air ventilation and air circulation. Outdoor air is so much more cleaner than #indoor #air, and without or reduced air ventilation, circulation and exchange, the concentration of polluted indoor air increases daily.

Indoor air quality is of grave concern. We spend most of our time indoors. Within home and bedrooms, within office, within our cars or public transport and within malls and shopping complexes. 

indoor air quality has become a serious issue. Despite all available information on indoor pollutants exposures and their effects on health and indoor environments, ignorance and apathy prevails. Studies have shown that levels of pollutes indoors to be very much higher than the air outside. Indoor air pollutes like radon, formaldehyde, tobacco smoke, dust, mites and its fecal droppings are extremely very high. 

The worst being affected are children, stay home mothers and senior citizens. Health authorities worldwide are saying that they see a continuing increase to a variety of diseases ranging from bronchial and respiratory issues, asthma, skin related allergies and even cardiac and maternal health.  

Choose to protect yourself and family members from risks associated with indoor air contamination. What can your do to help reduce indoor air pollution.
(reinstated 21.11.2023) 
An in-door demonstration illustrates status of indoor air quality within homes, and what one could do to minimise air borne pollutes. In adduition, families come to understand why bedrooms are the worst polluted at homes, know the causes and how to correct. Kuala Lumpur and Selangor families may call K.Thiru at 016-3712762. Families in the other states of Malaysia may also call to schedule suitable dates and the hour.  

Thursday, March 14, 2024



                            POISONS IN THE AIR 

We're Poisoning Ourselves.......................... Did You Know?

The average home today contains an unbelievable count of toxins.  
A chemistry lab may have a lesser count.  

According to an Environmental Protection Agency, one cannot be wrong to say that up to 150 or more of toxic substances are afloat in your home. Does that not drive you to be cautious, take precautions and practice better preventives before any diseases invade the body.

in a polluted indoor environment, the chances of getting cancer or most other diseases is 3 to 5 times more likely than any other causative factors.

Many scientists and doctors are discovering that there is a connection between our increased use of household chemicals and the increased incidence of chronic illnesses in children like cancer, asthma, ADD, birth defects, and a host of other problems. More than 72,000 synthetic chemicals have been produced since WW II.
Less than 2% of synthetic chemicals have been tested for toxicity, mutagenic, carcinogenic, or birth defects. The majority of chemicals have never been tested for long-term effects.

Studies have repeatedly shown and proven that the toxic chemicals in household cleaners, aerosols, sprays, not forgetting wall paints, furniture glue, carpet woven materials are all causatives of indoor air pollution. Toxins, vapour and fumes are all diseases causing agents. 

What do we do to keep indoor air healthy, free of pollutes, particulates and toxic fumes and gases. Best of all methods is #ventilation. Keep dooras and windows open. Allow space for air flow and air exchange. With continuing air flow, pollutes count indoors get reduced. A greter fill of oxygen happens indoors. Carbon dioxide, fumes and gases get to be left off outdoors. 

Of course, next to ventilation is the use of air purifiers. Air purifiers are good to remove air borne dust, particulates, pet fur and such. Some come with charcoal  filters to take away odour in the air. Ther are humidifiers that moisten the air and as such floats become heavier and sink to the floor. Today, more of these gadgets have the hepa filter as well to trap finest partciculates. Some air treatment gadgets also come with sanitising functions.

Indoor air must be kept at its best and purest form. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


You are not alone. Watch the shelves at the supermarket and you will see air fresheners in all sizes and packs and types of fragrances to tempt you to pick one,two or more for home, office, schools, car and wherever people gather.

Air fresheners is big market. What prompts the purchase of air fresheners? In the name of "AIR CARE.... I CARE", people pick these up for use.  

Unfortunately, lack of awareness and ignorance prompts these purchases. When truth is understood, even what they have bought but not unwrapped yet  will fly out the nearest window or into the nearest bin.  

The real impacts of being exposed to and using these products on indoor air quality and health is frightening. Would you like some hard truth? 

Air fresheners never “freshen” the air.
They merely mask odors. This added fragrance into the lived in space, leaves one feeling good with false belief that air has been "freshened". Everything that was in the air including dust, smoke, fumes and toxins remain. Nothing has been removed and with that we inhale the synthetic fragrance which interferes with ability to smell by coating the nasal passages with an oil film. What is in these frgrant products and what is the risk?

Some of the toxic chemicals that can be found in air fresheners include camphor, phenol, ethanol, formaldehyde, and artificial fragrances (a mix of toxic chemicals). These chemicals can cause symptoms like headaches, rashes, dizziness, migraines, asthma attacks, mental confusion, coughing and more. Some of the substances in air fresheners are linked to cancer or hormone disruption.

Studies do show that women who used more household cleaning products, including air fresheners and mold removers, had higher risks of breast cancer. Many air fresheners contain toxins which have been linked to birth defects and reproductive harm. Symptoms and sensitivities vary from person to person, and  children are particularly more susceptible.

What to do? Look Before You Spray. 

Read labels. If you see the word “Fragrance,” it is likely that the manufacturer is taking advantage of your ignorance and is using synthetic fragrance. Look instead for specific essential plant oils, preferably organic. Do a Sniff Test.

Before buying any fragrance product, natural or not, spray some from a tester to see whether it produces sneezes or itchy eyes. Strong fragrances, particularly citrus or pine, can provoke irritation and allergic/asthmatic reactions. And remember, when it comes to any perfume, a little goes a long way, so you need not overdo it.

Recommended methods of freshening indoor air naturally is by doing simple things like opening windows and doors in the mornings and letting the clean outside air to flow through the home or office. Similarly after the shower or heavy downpour. Nature has washed the air outside. Now, let the breeze in through the open doors and windows. 

Indoor plants help as well.